1. What kind of film is popular?
I think the most popular kind of film at the moment are action and adventure films. For example the Marvel and DC franchises release new films every year and these are hugely successful. These are tales of superheroes and exceptional humans who must overcome and defeat evil in spectacular and fantastic ways. These films are normally full of amazingly impressive special effects and CGI which make them unlike any other type of movie on the market.
2. What kind of film do young people like to watch?
I think young people are big fans of animated movies. My cousin has a couple young children and whenever they go to the cinema they watch the latest hit animated movie. I remember a few ago both the children were obsessed with the Minions movie. Young children like these films because animation allows them to be silly and surreal, full of make belief and magic. These are things that children love to see, and so animated films are really popular.
3. Do fewer people choose to watch movies in cinema than people past?
I think fewer and fewer people choose to watch movies in the cinema than people did in the past. One big reason for this is the rise of streaming media platforms. This has changed the culture of entertainment in the modem world. People are excited about all the new series and TV shows which are released on streaming services such as Game of Thrones. People would rather do this now than go to the cinema which is often expensive and has less choice than streaming services do.
4. Do you think cinemas will disappear in the future?
I do not think that cinemas will disappear in the future. Cinemas are special places and loads of people still to the cinema. The viewing experience at the cinema is unlike anything a person can achieve in their home therefore people will always want to go to the cinema. The sound quality, the details of the visuals and the whole entertainment experience is very special at the cinema. However, I think tickets should be made cheaper if they want to remain successful.