1. What do you think is more important? Reading or writing?
I think both reading and writing are very important and valuable skills a person needs, but reading is definitely more important. The ability to read gives someone access to an entire world of information and stories. Books are full of knowledge and entertainment and being able to access this by reading will drastically improve a person^ quality of life. Writing is also very important but it does not give access to the same grand amount of knowledge that reading does.
2. Who needs to have good writing skills?
I think we all need to have good writing skills as writing is an important form of communication in all areas of society. However, there may perhaps be some people for whom it is more important to have good writing skills. For example, important civil servants need to have very good handwriting. Often they will be making important and crucial decisions that are communicated via writing and if this writing is unclear it can lead to major issues and problems.
3. At what age should children start to read?
I think children should be encouraged to start reading from the youngest age possible. As soon as a child is able to speak and communicate then they should start learning how to read. Reading greatly develops a child^ cognitive abilities which will put them at an advantage when they start going to school. There is no disadvantage to teaching a child to read at a very young age, on the contrary, if a child does not learn how to read by the time they go to school they will be at a great disadvantage.
4. Where can people get more information from, words or pictures?
Nowadays, most people access information through the internet. When somebody needs to find information or pictures they use an online search engine like Google and instantly find thousands and thousands of websites where they can access the information that they need. In the past it was far more common for people to go to the library when they needed to access information. However, nowadays that seems like a lot of effort compared to the ease of searching online.