2019年9-12月 雅思口语 Part 3 Topic 43小时候的学校(9-12月新题)

1. What is the difference between current teachers and those in the past?

I would argue that current teachers are far more liberal nowadays than those in the past. In the past teachers were very authoritarian figures who would discipline their students severely if they were badly behaved. In modem society, teachers are much more and focus more on teaching everyone well than punishing students severely. It has been shown that punishing children too often can sometimes have negative effects instead of positive and I believe this is one of the reasons for the

change in teaching style.

2. What is the difference between being taught by teachers and by AI?

The biggest difference being taught by teachers and being taught by AI is that AI lacks emotional Understanding. AI is very clever, and is good at communicating information and adjusting to different learning styles. This makes it a good teaching method, however; it lacks any emotional understanding which does cause big problems. Teachers are able to see when a student is stressed and upset or confident and happy and adjust their teaching style accordingly.

3. What is the difference between private schools and public schools?

There is a big difference between the teaching environment of private schools and public schools. Public schools are often very crowded and busy. The class sizes are big and one teacher will often have to control a very large group. This means classes can sometimes be disorderly and chaotic. In contrast, private schools have much smaller class sizes which are easily manageable and thus orderly and controlled. Furthermore, as private school teachers are often paid more they are normally higher qualified and better teachers.

4. What is the difference between international schools and other schools?

There are quite a few differences between international schools and schools in China. Each country has their own customs and methods of teaching, therefore, it is only natural that there will be a lot of differences between the schools. For example, in China most of our schools have school uniforms but this is very uncommon in the USA. In the USA people wear their own clothes to school and it is a form of individual expression. Chinese schools prefer the order and seriousness conferred by a school uniform.
