- Do you think it is necessary to have laws on the use of mobile phones?
I do not think it is necessary to have laws on the use of mobile phones. Although it is true that people are becoming addicted to their smart phones, I do not think this is something that requires a law. People need to learn self-control and responsible phone use, but I think it would be silly to punish people for their phone use. It is just important that we raise younger generations with the self-control not to become addicted to (上瘾)their mobile phones.
- How do you like children having mobile phones?
I think that it is irresponsible for children to have very expensive mobile phones at a young age. Mobile phones are not good for a child s development. It is better for young children to be outside, playing and socializing with other children of their age, than for them to be staring (注视) at a phone screen. So, I think it is the responsibility of the parents to give their children a phone at a sensible age.
- At what age should children have mobile phones?
I believe that children should be given a mobile phone no earlier than at the age of 13, and only due to certain circumstances. For some children it is important for them to have a mobile phone. For example, children living in a large city may often spend time visiting friends far away and they need a phone so they can contact their parents. However, children younger than this age should not have mobile phones as they are too young and irresponsible.
- Are people politer now than in the past?
I believe that people are less polite now than they used to be in the past. For example, my parent’s generation were all taught manners to a rigorous (严格的)and very strict degree (程度).This meant that when they were older, they were always polite, and always said please and thank you. Today’s generation care less about manners and being polite, therefore they sometimes can be very rude. I think it would be better if people in the modem world were more polite.