2021年1-4月 雅思口语 Part 1 Topic 10 发短信 Text Message

Do you like texting?

Of course. All my best friends are not based in the same city as I am. Worse than that, meeting with each other in person requires a flight of at least 2 hours. But thanks to texting, we are able to share our stories and catch up with one another at any time in any place.

Do you prefer sending or receiving messages?

I prefer receiving messages. When the person I am chatting with sending more messages than I do, I can feel his or her interest in communicating with me and therefore have more sense of security to share more stories with him or her.

Have you ever received a confusing text message?

Quite often. The most confusing text message is a friend that hasn’t talked to me for 5 or 10 years all of a sudden sends me a message to borrow some money from me. In most cases, their personal accounts were stolen.

In what circumstances is making a phone call better than sending a text message?

I think when you have so much information to share with the person you are talking with or a difficult concept that requires some efforts and time to explain, making a phone call to let the other to listen to your oral presentation is better than sending a text message.
