2021年1-4月 雅思口语 Part 3 Topic 7 喜欢的一家人

Who is usually the leader in a Chinese family?

Usually is the father figure in the family. When a family needs to make a big decision, the father would have the final say in the matter while other family members all talk about what they think. If it5s about daily stuffs, like what decorations to put on, who to invite to a family gathering, most families would consult the mother. But when it comes to whether to make a big purchase or not, do we want to move to another city, like, big things, father usually have the final say.

How do grandparents take care of grandchildren?

A lot of the times, grandparents have all the time in the world to take care of their grandchildren. They would just sit around the children and make sure they are not doing anything dangerous. And except for that, they don5t really care much as to what to do with the kids. They are patient because they have the time. They are loving and never pushing because they have already raised their own children so they knew how things should go.

What’s the most important quality of parents?

I think the most important quality of parents is a loving heart and a patient attitude. When parents are loving, they would really think the best for their child. And when parents are patient, they would be willing to actually listen to what the kids are thinking about. Also, parents really need to love their kids from their heart. I know it sounds weird because you may think every parent loves their kid. But the fact is, for a lot of person, they love their kid for purposes. You have to love the kid as they are, love them unconditionally. I think that is also important.

How con new parents learn about parenting?

One of the good resource is actually their own parents. When new parents are wondering where to get good advice, they would always think about their own parents, think about what they liked about their parents when they were young and learn from that, and think about what they didn5t like about their parents and try to avoid that. Their parents have the experience of how to raise a kid to adult, and thafs where they should turn to for help.
