1. What are the advantages of traveling by plane?
Planes are by ffr the most advantageous of traveling methods. One great thing about travelling by plane is the speed one travels. Planes can take someone to another place in a matter of hours what it may take€ train or boat days to do. Furthermore, planes are a very comfortable form of travel, everyone has a seat and the plane is never overcrowded due to safety reasons. This makes it far more advantageous than train travel which is often extremely overcrowded.
2. Why do some people prefer to travel by train?
Some people prefer to travel by train because it is much better for the environment than travelling by plane. To fly by plane releases a huge amount of carbon emissions through the burning of jet fuel. Most trains run on electricity and therefore are much cleaner for the environment. Furthermore, many people are scared of flying and scared of heights. Trains have the advantage of always being connected to the ground so there is less fear about there being a disaster.
3. What are the disadvantages of living near an airport?
The biggest disadvantage to living near an airport is the noise pollution that comes from the sound of planes taking off and landing. Planes make a huge amount of noise and when people live near airports that noise is not far away in the sky but right next to their houses. This can be very unpleasant and keep people awake all throughout the night. Furthermore, there is often very bad traffic near airports which would be a very annoying thing to live next to.
4. How is working at the airport different from working in other places?
I imagine that working in an airport must be a very unique experience. Firstly, working in an airport means that every day you meet new people from all around the world. Airports are places where global communities connect with each other. This must be quite an unusual experience and I imagine people working in airports hear loads of different languages every day. As well as this, working in an airport is unique because they can become incredibly busy with people always in a rush to catch their plane. I imagine this is a very chaotic environment to work in and one is it hard to get used to.