2019年9-12月 雅思口语 Part 3 Topic 47 房间的照片(9-12月新题)

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking photos with smartphones?

Taking photos with smartphones is very useful because it is extremely convenient. Camera quality is always improving on smartphones and nowadays people do not need to carry cameras around with them because the smartphone cameras works well enough. Also all of your photos are stored on your phone which can upload them directly to social media sites. It is very convenient, however, smart phone cameras are very fragile and tend to damage very easily. Therefore, the quality of photos can sometimes be very poor when taken on a smartphone.

2. Do you think photographers are artists?

I definitely think photography is a form of art and so photographers are artists. Photography is a form of representation and the function of art is to present people with different representations of the world. Furthermore, professional photographers use very complicated cameras and taking good photographs requires a lot of skill and technique. This makes it an art form which people must practice and master just like any other form of art. I think photography will continue to be a popular form of art in the future.

3. What are the benefits of learning painting for children?

I think painting has many benefits and is a good skill for children to learn. For one, painting and drawing are crucial skills for many jobs and career paths later in life such as graphic design or architecture. Furthermore, painting is a valuable form of rest and relaxation. It is a very good way to unwind and get rid of stress which can be useful for a child as they grew up.

4. Can anyone become a famous artist through hard work?

Hard work is definitely important if somebody wishes to become a famous artist but alone it is not enough. To become very skilled in art a person must work hard and be dedicated to their craft. They must practice for hours and hours to become the best. However, the art industry is comprised of a very private group and to access this group you must have the right connections and know the right people. This is almost as important as working hard, because no matter how good your art is to become a famous artist it must be seen by important people.
